Waxing Treatments
in Kingsland, GA
Fabulous Face Spa offers a luxurious waxing experience that is quick, affordable, and safe. We provide waxing services for the upper lip, eyebrows, chin, underarms and arms, as well as legs and bikini areas. Waxing lasts longer than shaving and is a more desirable option for those looking to be hair free for an extended period of time. Our team of expert Aestheticians strive to make you feel fabulous from the moment you enter our spa in Kingsland, Ga!
Waxing Tips:
Let your hair grow out for approximately 2 weeks prior to your appointment for the best results.
The best time to get waxed is the week after your menstrual cycle when your pain threshold is at its highest.
Stay out of the sun 24 hours before and after your waxing service.
Take a pain reliever such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen prior to your visit for pain management.
We never double dip and use the highest quality wax to ensure both great results and limited pain.
For any additional questions, please feel free to reach out to us!